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7 biggest instagram challenges and how to tackle them

Bo Pokštefl
Written by
Bo Pokštefl

First of all, I need to get rid of your illusions about your own perfection. You probably suspect that already, but are just too afraid to admit it. The truth is – nobody is perfect. If somebody told you otherwise when you were a child, I am sorry, they lied to you.

There is one simple truth to live by – we all make mistakes. So now let’s apply this motivational formula to social media managers and a place on the internet full of food porn, butts and boomerangs – Instagram. It’s scary, but if you are managing a campaign on Instagram, you have to think about a billion things at once. You don’t want to make a mistake in the world of likes and hashtags and viral memes, such as forgetting to add a filter for example.

Let’s go through some basic issues that might occur while making posts on Instagram.

It might happen if your to-do list has too many points. Instagram unlike Facebook, doesn’t allow us to schedule posts in advance unless you use some sophisticated tool like Kontentino. Scheduling gives you time to think over and eventually rework something before actual posting, ensuring it can be as good as possible and avoiding any social media faux pas.

Such small things as forgetting to switch between your personal and business profile can be fun. Even funnier is when you are managing multiple brands and suddenly you post a photo of your drunk friend on the Kinder Surprise profile.

Even if art directors can be considered wizards, their magic tricks can be misspelled from time to time. And you, a mere muggle, can post a photo without correctly adjusting its size. Right there you have unwanted engagement between “crop fails”.

You can write the best copy in the world, but there is always a risk while typing on your phone. Karma or autocorrect can change the message of your post so much, that it will be misunderstood by your audience. And the most important thing – hashtags! You know what tricks they can do, so it’s important not to forget them.

Instagram can (and should) be used to increase your website visits, but you have to make sure that you have the correct link in your bio. Remember, it is the only link that can be clicked. And when you have a specific campaign running, don’t hesitate to link it right here and take your time to write the best description possible. It will definitely pay off.

We will post it at 8:55 pm tomorrow because star wars is awesome

The timing of your posts is very important. It’s crucial that you post when your audience is online. This gives you the highest chance that your post will be seen by as many Instadicts as possible and that you’ll be happy about your KPI’s as well.

If you don’t have communication strategy with goals and rules for your photos, you post three posts in a day and then nothing for a month, or you are not using hashtags full potential, then you are simply doing it wrong. If you aren’t going to do Instagram properly, you might as well just skip it completely.

It’s time to face all issues and learn how to avoid them. So how do you not go crazy and actually deal with all those problems?

  1. Invest your time in developing your communication strategy. It pays off!
  2. Be precise with creating your posting plan. For example by using Kontentino.
  3. Do your research and find out when your fans are most active when making your strategy. Your business profiles can do this for you these days if you don’t want to use other analytic tools that can be found with a quick google search.
  4. Take a chill pill and review your prepared post before sending out into wild of the internet. Twice.
  5. Be kind to yourself, save your time and nerves by using cool social media management tool like Kontentino. There are many tools and you have to find out which fits you best. They do magic.
  6. But most of all find the best set up of your system to perfectly fit you and your clients.

What issues with Instagram have you had? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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