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11 Tips to Set Up an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign

Bo Pokštefl
Written by
Bo Pokštefl


Are you struggling to achieve the best outcome from your Facebook Ad campaigns?

To be honest, we have seen many advertisers, who suffer from failure in their Facebook marketing ad campaigns. The most highlighted factor for that is, they don’t have enough designed plot or guidelines for effective campaigning process on Facebook.   

Before getting straight into posting facebook Ads, it will be more productive if you dig into some research and create a scheduled plan about it. To design a strategy, here are some question you can raise, i.e., What is my primary goal? How can I gather a bigger audience through my ad campaign?  Is my website in line with respect to trafficking?

Consider this article to be your getaway – an easy-going and friendly platform from where you can get some significant tips to build up your own efficient facebook ad campaign.

1. Define your Facebook campaign goals

Over the past few years, Facebook’s been changing the advertising objectives from time to time. There are certain ways from which you can set up your advertising objectives. Due to various choices of those, advertisers sometimes face confusions.

What are campaign objectives actually?

In your Facebook Ad campaign, you want to spread awareness about the product you launched. In simple words, what do you want your audience to see and perceive from your Ad?

The first step of the campaign objective is to create a new campaign with a new plan. Let me enlighten you about 3 layers or categories on Facebook.

  • Awareness  determine your objective (Brand awareness and Reach)

Brand awareness is mostly utilized in the branding of a larger scale campaign, where people want to gather awareness about the brand. Primarily big businesses use this kind of campaign in order to gain the best profit out of it.

On the other hand, those Ad campaigns, which are created to attract more people to your audience they use Reach campaign objective.

  • Consideration

During the stage of consideration, your audience is in the decision-making process, whether to approach you for a purchase or to choose your competitor. After observing these factors, an advertiser can utilize these objectives for remarketing and also for prospecting as well.

Some basic ones are:

  • Traffic campaign – transfer traffic to your website.
  • App installs – suitable for software apps, its objective is to motivate the audience to install your app and track down how many people installed your app or register into it.
  • Video view – tracks down the duration for which someone watched your video.
  • Conversion

Conversion allows your audience to get into action instead of further thinking.

  • Catalog sale – these are perfect for your e-commerce site, where you can post your Ads to promote your products.
  • Store visit – where you can offer incentives to your audience so that they visit your store more often.  

If your primary focus is to retract your audience from Facebook to your website, then the ideal objectives which suit your situation are Traffic and Conversion. If your main aim is to check in on the content, then you should go for Video generation.

Use the Engagement objective if you want to make your audience aware of your business, i.e., Facebook page likes, about your events and offer posts, etc.

The main reason Facebook is asking about your objective, is to examine your ad campaigns for auto optimization, bidding, etc. Select the objective that best suits your goal.

You should ask questions such as: Why I am doing this? And what results I am expecting out from this?

If you are expecting growth from your campaign ads, then consider setting your goal and its relative objective. Later on, you will observe drastic changes in the performance by writing down the numbers you estimated, audiences’ engagement ratio and sales.

When your campaign ends,  jot down all the points and performance ratio to analyze whether you achieved your set targets or not.

2. Determine the most appropriate editor

The Facebook ad campaign should be appropriately managed because these campaigns are your direct source for progress and productivity.

Facebook Ad campaign

There are various kinds of ad campaigns that are currently accessible, you can choose the best one for your business. Some of the basic ones include

  • Cold traffic campaigns

In cold traffic campaigns, you target the audience who had never heard about you. The primary aim of this is to create or build the audience, to prompt their interest in your product and also attract more people to buy your product. Due to this, you can quickly generate your email PR list of clients.  

  • Remarketing campaigns

This is the most functional way to advertise your products with your known audience.

Since we want to brief you entirely about successful Ad campaigns, here is a simple trick for that: Consider using management tools to edit your Facebook campaign. For example: 

  • Kontentino

Since 2014, Kontentino is on a mission to provide the best content for clients without any misunderstanding and confusion. Through Kontentino, you can manage your social media platform more productively, moreover, it helps you to keep track of views, comments, likes, and shares.

It is very quite essential to choose the right editor for your ads. Kontentino also helps with the collaboration with clients, which improves the workflow and creation of social media content.  

3. Determine your audience

More than 2.23 billion people use Facebook monthly, you have to determine and attract your audience to approach you. In order to deliver your ad campaign properly, you should target the right audience. Whether your target audience for your Ad to be shown to is based on age, location, gender, or the same interest, your main focus should be on making your viewers into customers.

You can calculate your target audience on the basis of the history of their purchases.

Reach out those people who lie under your target audience such as


Target those people according to their previous purchase record to analyze what kind of shopping or internet searching they are doing. For example, if you own a jewelry shop, you will target those clients who have recently shopped for jewelry.


Select those people who have similar interests to your product. For example, if you own an organic food court, you should consider diet-conscious people as your target audience.


The target audience based on age, gender, education, location, or relationship status.

4. Target a custom audience

Targeting a custom audience is a great way to engage the audience’s attention towards your Ad campaign. Apparently, these are the most highly valued target audiences, because they gather all the visitors who have visited your website previously. Through this, you can attain better and swifter results than engaging the new audiences from scratch. There are multiple ways to create a custom audience, i.e. Customer file, Website traffic, App activity, Offline activity, and Engagement. Let’s discuss all of them briefly:

 Customer file

The most obvious way to advertise your product is to target the existing audiences by contacting them. This will become more convenient, if you go through your subscription list or customer file, where you can find their Email id, phone number or app IDs to contact them.

This might be helpful to you:

Website traffic

Through Website traffic Facebook audience, you can generate Ad campaigns, especially remarketing Ad campaigns (for those, who already engaged with your website). They lie under the tag of high-level audiences, as most of the people already manifested their interest while watching your Ad.

After installing the Facebook pixel, you can choose between multiple options:

App activity

If you are targeting iOS or Android users and you want to know about their activities on your website – in this case, consider setting up a Facebook target audience.  The custom audience can be modified afterwards – for how long people stayed on your website? What were they searching or doing? And which specific pages have they visited?

App activity is the option for you in this scenario, as it converges your focus onto those people who achieved specific action on your app.


Custom audience allows you to target those audiences who are engaged in your Facebook content. You can target those people were active in following ways in the activities below:

Here are some engagement options to select from like Page, Canvas, Lead Ad and Video.

The ‘Video’ engagement option offers you to know how many people have seen your video. Likewise, the option of a canvas is for canvas ads; page option captures those who interacted with the Facebook page and finally Lead Ad targets Lead Ads.

Offline activity

Facebook provides a platform through custom audience which allows you to target your offline audience who are connected to, or communicated with your business in any way.

To set up the custom audience offline activity, follow these steps:

  1. Click ‘Offline activity’.
  2. Select offline events that you want to show to your audience.
  3. Name the audience.
  4. Click on ‘Create an audience,’ and you are done.

While editing offline activity custom audience, you can set different filters and parameters to target the desired audience.

5. Try different ad types

Facebook Canvas Ads

Are you tired of annoying and slow-loading landing pages? Then switch your interest towards Facebook Canvas Ads

Canvas Ads consists of videos, text, images, and call of actions which makes it interactive and engaging. Statistics say that on average, a user spends 31 seconds on canvas ads and because of that, more and more advertisers are gravitating towards it.

Moreover, 50% of Canvas Ads are created under 10 mins because of its drag and drop option. Besides its speedy creation process, Canvas offers fast pace format of advertisement by providing direct access to the products within the canvas.

You will not be able to create Canvas through Ad manager without following these steps.

Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook allows automatic optimization by sharing the ad of those products or relevant pages on the first screen through Carousel Ad.  Carousel Ad is also known as Multi-product Ad because it allows to share or display multiple products to your audience with a single swipe.

There are no limitations to the carousel ad, as they are useful for both mobile and desktop. It allows sharing images and videos as well, up to 10 of them within one post.

Multi-product display feature makes your Ad useful for a broader range and allows a higher visiting ratio.

It’s important to know about the specifications of your ad before posting it.

Post Engagement Ads

Post engagement ads gather the audience who have already shown their interest on your website or product by visiting, sharing or liking.

Facebook computes all the scenarios through effective and efficient algorithms, which makes your post natural exposure to gain more audience.

This phenomenon was first noticed when different business holders faced problems while reaching their target audience even with big numbers of followers on their Facebook pages.

Facebook Video Ads

Facebook video Ads are a great way to advertise. Videos ads on Facebook can be up to 240 minutes long. You can promote and spread awareness about your brand without any constraints to your target audience.

Video creation is quite easy and fruitful because more than 500 million people watch Facebook videos on a daily basis.

Facebook GIF ads

GIF is another productive medium to share your products or posts and advertise them on Facebook.

The format is something between a video and image, it can play on a loop again and again. There is no need to create a long video, when you have an option to create a GIF Ad that grabs the audiences’ attention more, due to its short time duration.

Facebook Lead ads

There are many ways to advertise your product or event with different types of Facebook Ads. There is no doubt that through proper Facebook promotions you can gain a large amount of audience, even with the use of mobile phones. After canvas, Facebook lead ads provide the platform for advertisers to create Ads that handle mobile landing pages.

Through Facebook leads ads you can easily collect viewer data or related contact information without asking them to leave feedback.

Contact information involves username, Email address or phone no. The beauty about it is, these Ads look just like others but the viewer can can see the difference after clicking on it.  

6. Identify your best-performing ads

If you want to achieve certain growth in your business, you should acknowledge that social media campaigns play a vital role in that success. There are several tools available to guide us through the process of optimizing our Ads, by analyzing the performance of the ad campaign.

You can use Kontentino Insights & Reporting to check up on the performance of your posts and to catch any problems you may have early and to optimize.

Test and learn tool

When we analyze Facebook ad campaigns, we get data in the bulk form of rows and columns, which can be very chaotic and confusing. Facebook’s new test and learn tool works in the form of guessing and pinpointing specific solutions. This tool offers plans for ad campaigns as well, by asking 2 questions.

The first question provides the understanding, which plan causes the lowest conversion rate and the second questions summarizes the conversions that are additionally being added by Facebook 

How to analyze your results?

When the first test is being created, the learn tab will be empty but after getting the conversion you will start seeing results. The results will be divided into 2 sections:

  • Incremental efficiency
  • Conversion lift

It will show you the true and accurate performance of your ad campaign, which, in the end, will affect your Facebook account positively.

Split testing tool

By using a split testing tool for the optimization of your Ads, you will feel more confident regarding your ad campaigns. Sometimes by using other optimization tools, testing can become complicated and a more time-consuming process. But split testing provides you with easy-to-understand results in less time.

How does it work?

Through the split testing tool, it allows the advertisers to create multiple ad sets and then test them against each other to identify the best strategy for your ad campaigns.

  • It divides your audience into non-overlapping groups. Due to this feature, there is no chance for trickled results because the opportunity is given equally to them.
  • Split testing works in variable form, and each set is assigned with a distinguishing variable. And ads are created in duplicated form with the difference in the variable.
  • Most of the time, ads are analyzed individually for better results. Split testing based on people, not cookies and in the end, the results are collected from different devices.
  • After collecting all the results, they are compared, and the ad set with the lowest cost per result wins.
  • At the end, you will get a copy of the result through E-mail. That will help you create a plan for your next ad campaign.

7. Match your competitor

Having a positive competition is a must, it motivates to work harder to achieve your goals, in both personal and professional life. It also implies your business motivation as well, because when you don’t have any purpose or target in your business, you will never be able to excel further.

In this era, every business advertises their brand digitally as well. To achieve specific benchmarks, you should follow your competitors through different metrics, i.e., CTR, CPC, CVR, and CPA.

These are some metrics to ensure progress and positive approach towards your competitors’ success.

  • CTR- Average click-through rate
  • CPC- Average cost per click
  • CVR- Average conversion rate
  • CPA – Average cost per action

Here are some competitive advertising strategies, which can help you to level up your business game.

Bidding on your competitive brand via Google AdWords

Facebook runs on an auction-based model where the performance of ads counts the most. For that, learn to optimize Facebook ads – the more optimized your ad, the more audience you gain.

Advertising copy texts can make or break your ad campaign, always create an ad that is engaging and creative.

Different brands use various keywords to attract and target audiences. Search those, which are similar or familiar with your product or page.

Typically, old customers reach these ads to confirm their purchase, so there is a chance for you to get higher value leads for contacts.    

It’s all a matter of proper and suitable strategy to bid on your competitor’s ad.

Target competitors’ customers through Facebook Ads.

While targeting your competitor fanbase, try to increase your budget up to their level so that you can attract their customers to you. Also, watch their social media campaigns and marketing strategies.

The other way to retarget your competitors’ audience or customers is by creating a special ad for them, also do some research about what their customers are liking, sharing and showing their interest towards your competitors’ products.

For example, if you’re targeting customers for a hardware store, Facebook allows you to target fans on your competitors’ page. This way, you can gather results of same people having interest in hardware.

8. Enhancing results with RTM

Reminder, Testimonial and Messenger Ads, RTM for short. The method retargets your audience or visitors who have visited your page earlier without purchasing.

You can easily track down all the data related to the what products and ads they’ve shown interest in but didn’t purchase.  

RTM is a quite simple but very effective way to retarget your audience. They are 3 different methods with the potential to encourage your viewers to complete their task by adding your product into their cart.


Creates a sense of urgency in the ad that forces people to follow up their search of product into action by buying it from your website.


Strike your customer by using a testimonial when they are already in the decision-making stage. By adding the testimonial into your ad, you create a proof that develops confidence and your audience converts into customers.


It provides an open window for communication with your target audience. These are traffic ads that allow your customer to reach your ad directly to communicate.

Often used in high-end purchases where you need to resolve certain complexities and explanation before paying the bill.  

9. Choose your budget based on ad performance

While starting or setting up your ad campaign, try to test 3-4 sets of ads with other ads to compare the performance. After getting all the results, you should determine your next ads by given criteria.

  • According to your ad campaign goal and objectives, consider the cost and other metrics related to that.
  • Select those ads with the best performance and drop others or pause them.

In the end, increase the budget up to 15% – 20%, after that keep on repeating within 24 hours unless you observe a decline in your ad performance.

10. Reuse existing ad posts for new campaigns

All social media platforms require popularity and trust. The more your posts and content receives appreciation through liking and sharing, the more people will show interest in your campaign.

Optimization is a key factor for improved and effective ad campaigns, but sadly, all the like and comments will be discarded, whenever you optimize your ad.

By using ‘social stacking,’ you can keep your likes and comments and still can easily experiment with your ads. Through this technique, you can always enhance your popularity and make your ad campaign more popular and productive.

How to start?

  • Select the ad preview in your old or existing ad, click on the icon on top right and check the Facebook post with comments.
  • Copy the last number from the Facebook URL.
  • After creating a new Facebook Ad, select the option of an existing post.
  • Enter the ID into the post ID box.
  • Paste those last numbers.
  • And click on submit.

11. Measuring results (Follow up)

Understand the metrics of conversion campaigns, and after that, the summary of the results is quite significant. Sometimes people optimize their campaign but neglect analyzing the results and that can cause failure.

Results are not in the form of a comprehensive list; these results can create ease in the productivity of your campaign and afterward you can use these outcomes as a starting point towards your success.   

Metrics of conversion – according to your objective, choose an app to check how engaging and effective your campaign is.

Metrics for cost per conversion – shows you the average cost per conversion.

Metrics for total value per conversion – shows the total value of your conversion.

There are the more simple, and the more complicated ways on how to analyze the results. You can see the overall performance of your campaign posts in Kontentino – in the Insights & Reporting section. Just with a few clicks, you can connect your ad manager and see how your campaign is doing.

Bottom line

As the time is passing, Facebook is evolving and providing a different platform for ad campaigns. By experimenting, it opens up the room for improvement; Facebook brings such innovation through trying different algorithms related to marketing.

Also, keep an eye out on Kontentino – we plan on bringing you even more help with setting up campaigns soon.

Also, you can bring the best advertising campaigns by knowing how to create a campaign and by observing Facebook ad targeting tips. By exploring and comparing your campaigns with your competitors’, you can increase the performance and productivity of your ads.

There is not a set rule through which you can always excel; the key is to explore, test and plan a strategy before creating your ad.

What’s your point of view on this? Do you have any further queries? Do let us know; we will appreciate your involvement.

 Sources used  











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